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New additions to our 360° Leadership Transformation Series

Leadership CompassŪ 360° Leadership Development

The Leadership Compass® Series contains 4 programs, each focusing on Front line staff, Middle Management, Senior Management and Professional Staff.

The Series aims to grow, support and enhance essential leadership capabilities for staff, current and future managers and leaders, with emphasis on managing others, managing the organisation and managing actions and decisions. It offers learners the opportunity to self-discover, engage in the achievement planning process, cultivate knowledge & skills, and provides them with the tools to optimise their leadership potential.

The Series’ 4 programs offer a range of leadership tools and processes (relevant to the audience). The programs interconnect with key capability areas in order to enhance learner confidence – continuity in awareness and understanding enables the learner to stretch the acquisition and application of these capabilities according to their level of influence in the workplace. This connectivity also enables the establishment of learning reinforcers such as mentoring and coaching structures.

The programs draw on workplace experience and capability by way of learner reflection, case studies, guest speakers, organisational media and processes as well as a workplace project. The programs’ suggested content can be prioritised according to organisational needs. Delivery format details appear in the programs’ overview.

Program Audience Overview
Leadership Compass 1 EL Emerging Leaders Find your true north (the leader in you) by exploring and expanding your talents, values, your approach to work performance, change, managing up, decision-making, learning and career planning.
Leadership Compass 2 MM Middle Management Strengthen the middle management leader in you and assist others to find their true north through practical leadership and management behaviour development.
Leadership Compass 3 SM Senior Management Grow the senior management leader in you & assist others & the organisation to find their true north by developing and refining key capabilities: supportive leadership, achieving results & alignment, managing risk and effective decision-making.
Leadership Compass for Professionals Professional Staff Anchor your workplace and career achievements through effective self-leadership and managing capabilities which successfully position you for wider leadership roles within your organisation.